Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Equestrian Clowns #1 (From Buckles)

Scan000010168, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

My dad wrote on the back:
"Cole Bros. Circus- Joe Lewis"

For some reason this doesn't look like Mr. Lewis to me.
Some of you may know that he was married to Emmet Kelly's ex-wife Eva May.


Pat Cashin said...

No, it's not Joe Lewis.

This guy was on the Cole show in the 40s. Maybe Greg DeSanto can chime in with his name.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Buckles, did you know that Joe, Eva May, & Pat Kelly used to live in Ruskin, and owned a bar on Hwy 41.

Buckles said...

I wasn't aware of that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Pat and Buckles. It's not Joe Lewis--he didn't affect the beard thing--but this guy comes very close to a make-up copy. For the moment, I can't locate a fine photo I have of Lewis. He and Eva are buried side by side in Peru, just steps from Jess Adkins.